I have walked in partial promenade
on paths long overgrown with prickly dried grass,
long untouched by skies’ tears of mirth and sorrow
laughing trees and mourning grins,
that pass uncultivated fields where once husbandmen trod
yielding grain finding life in nature’s care.
Now vines grow unheeded, unchecked as grass weaves itself
into and out from the drying soil.
There flowers grew by the way
small spring-fresh bouquets of life
shining in the sun bright violets, marigolds and primroses
contrasted among field-green blades of grass
quivering and swaying, blown as though gently by the wind, standing memories.
Children once played here, now no longer
do their voices cry mirthful in fields of buzzing insects
innumerable. Echoing from path to field to neighbour’s meadow.
swift thin legs skipping and leaping, like green grasshoppers through swishing grass
hiding in the grass and running, soaring through forests
of wizened trees, sagacious gray-barked overseers
who loved youth’s song though it unrooted their slumber
alas now magic-woven tree trunks stand as guardians
of deepened glades, sun shining through leaf-wrought canopies
as tunnels or broad rays of golden illumination to green-grass laden floors
of the palace of mother earth and her wise consort elven born,
lands once held dear by multitudinous souls
now thirsty for a single water-laden touch
of whispery air to breathe life to its roots and stems