A lily of the water takes form in a pool,
whose waters lay quietly in their earth-hewn shape
babbling softly as they flow through underground tunnels
leading like a wanderer’s highway to and fro
the surface clear as unclouded crystal.
Or like a mirror
when one looks beneath, one sees beauty and life
or does one see muck and mud
it is like a mirror, as are all things of beauty
The lily arose like a tower
ivory white, her white petals spread
strong and placid, high over the water
the clouds overhead are not too far
a castle born in purity not built by the hands of men
rising beneath the clouds
Artifice stands beside the pool
shining silver and light-washed steel
how can artifice be artifice if artifice is born of nature?
man that stands with light that purifies
light strikes our eyes and gives visions of something beyond itself